ALAT Rewards
ALAT Rewards is a platform that offers merchants an opportunity to showcase products and offers deals to users on ALAT.
ALAT Rewards is a product of the ALATbyWema platform that serves as a trusted and secured marketplace for merchants and franchises to drive sales of their products to millions of users (buyers or subscribers).
Merchants can have their deals and offerings published programmatically in near real time visibility to customers on ALAT.

Merchant deals would undergo a verification process by the bank before they are published to customers on ALAT Rewards.
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How does it work?
Wema/ALAT bank account holders must give consent before data can be shared. Customers are to give their consent using the ALAT mobile application.
Businesses and partners are registered by the bank as merchants on ALAT Rewards.
Merchants create deals and discount on the merchant portal and is published.
Merchants can programmatically verify discount codes using the
Verify Discount Code API
Who can use this?
Possible merchants to use this service include but not limited to:
Franchises - Superstores, Restaurants, etc.
Subscription Based Web Platforms