Wallet Services - Account Management API

Retrieve account details and transactional records.

How does it work?

The Wallet Account Management API allows clients retrieve details of the wallets opened by their channel. Clients are able to retrieve account details (balance inclusive) and transaction history on individual wallets.

  1. The client is profiled to open wallets. This activity is done backend by the bank and mapped to the clients x-Api-key.

  2. The client makes an enquiry on transaction history and/or account details.

Get Wallet Details - GET

Request URL

GET - {baseURL}/ws-acct-mgt/api/AccountMaintenance/CustomerAccount/GetAccountV2/accountNumber/{accountNumber}

Try it out !
  1. Clients are required to pass a valid x-Api-keyvalue in the header of their request. This value would be provided by the bank.

  2. Client validates the source account number using the request URL.

  3. A successful call to this endpoint would return the walletNumber, availableBalance and walletStatus of the beneficiary.

Transaction History - POST

Request URL

POST - {baseURL}/ws-acct-mgt/api/AccountMaintenance/CustomerAccount/transhistoryV2

Try it out !
  1. Clients are required to pass a valid x-Api-keyvalue in the header of their request. This value would be provided by the bank.

  2. Clients are to specify the duration of the transactional records they require using the from and to params.

  3. The keyword param is used to filter for specific transactions. If none is required, pass as an empty string.

  4. A successful call to this endpoint would return transaction history based on specified duration.